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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Amazing candles in Nainital

Nainital apparently is very famous for its wax candles. A candle resembling any object , animal , fruit , vegetable etc can be made here!! I bought a whole lot of them. I also gifted few to my friends in the office. They have an awesome collection in almost all the shops in Nainital. I have placed them in the centre unit in my living room. I also the a frog candle and 3 small teddies for my office desk! The froggie lokks really cute and stares right in my eyes when I am working on my PC!! Check my froggie's photograph above!! Can you think of a name for him ?


Blogger MasalaMom said...

Welcome back, Shweta!...It sure sounds like you had great fun in Delhi!...

Hoping to see the pictures that you're going to show us!

I think your froggie looks like a 'Fred' to me!...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Blogger Vikas said...

bumped into your blog while searching for Nainital... couldn't help myself commenting, seeing the candles and reading that you've recently been to Nainital.. so what is the comment..nothing really just thought I should drop a line since I am here :)

Saturday, March 18, 2006


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