Welcome to Rajeev & Shweta's World! I think this is the best way to keep in touch with your frends and relatives whom we may not meet often. So welcome to our site and enjoy! I will keep updating the latest happenings in our day to day lives to the site

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Work Work and more housework!!

Its been more than 15 days my servant has not come ( not well ) . To add to that even my cook did not turn up for 6 days inbetween ( had gone on a religious trip )! Thankfully her daughter used to come once in the morning to prepare breakfast and lunch. But evenings I had to do prepare dinner. So my day starts at 6.30 with my morning walk. Then sweeping , mopping, washing utensils and finally the clothes! Then rushing to office. So my two hour study time in the morning has got ruined. This is my last semester ( MBA ) and I have 7 papers to give. My exam would be in mid May! Then we reach home from office at 8pm. So next work , prepare dinner , again clean the kitchen and finally rest to watch some TV. By then I am so exhausted that I hardly study for about an hour and doze of to sleep by 10.30pm . So now I have thought of an alternate solution. I have started getting my books to office. I make it a point to study at least 2 hours in the office post lunch!! But thinking about the positive side of all this , I have regained my lost stamina! I have actually realized that all this extra weight I have put on is not only because of my eating habits but also becausen I had stopped doing any house work! Everything was getting done so well by both the servants. In the past fifteen days , I am sure I must have reduced a little bit atleast!! Infact I think this is a good way to keep fit!!


Blogger Nidhi said...

whew..Shweta, i guess u have got loads up ur sleeve nowadays!! but it really seems nice to hear about maids n servants :-( we have to do everything ourselves here, though i guess it is not that tough as would be in india :-)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blogger Mona said...

Hi Girl
I'm sitting here on a friday night thinking if I were in Pune I would call Shweta and we could go hang out...have a beer :-) I'm missing my best pal! Come to the US to visit...........
Lotsa love and hugs
PS: I updated my blog and also pictures at photos.yahoo.com/monica_rege

Friday, April 07, 2006


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