Welcome to Rajeev & Shweta's World! I think this is the best way to keep in touch with your frends and relatives whom we may not meet often. So welcome to our site and enjoy! I will keep updating the latest happenings in our day to day lives to the site

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Hi again!! I am sitting in a cybercafe with Chinar ...My 9th month is getting over on 3rd April but no signs of labour as yet. During my last appointment the doc said the baby's position for labour is extremely good and there are high chances I might deliver my 2nd April however no signs as yet!! I will my baby will take complete 9 months and 9 days to come into the world. Rajeev keeps teasing me that since I keep doing things as per a planned schedule my baby would also come into the world as per a planned schedule of 9 months and 9 days!!! Pregnancy is getting pretty boring now...I just cant sit ile at home. Before I Cmae to Pune I had finished cleaning the entire house in Mumbai!!Now I am just playing the waiting game!!! Its very exciting though!!! Misssing Rajeev a lot...He is also goig to take 10 days paternity leave and join me for my delivery in Pune!! So bye till my next post ( I woner when that would be possible!!)